This overview explains how authentication works with the AlphaLens API, the different access levels available, and how to get started.
Access TiersCopied!
AlphaLens offers different access tiers with varying capabilities and limits.
Authentication MethodsCopied!
1. API Key Authentication (Recommended)
API-Key: your_api_key_here
2. JWT Bearer Token (only for frontend access)
Authorization: Bearer your_jwt_token
Keep your authentication credentials secure and never share them.
Quick StartCopied!
Contact AlphaLens to set up your company account or use the free default one assigned to you when visiting app.alphalens.com.
Choose your access tier.
Create API keys for authentication
Begin making API requests
See the API Key Management guide for detailed instructions on creating and managing keys
Access OverviewCopied!
AlphaLens provides tiered access to meet different needs:
Domain Operator: Free access that’s assigned in the automated onboarding flow.
Venture Capitalist: Enhanced access with additional features
Your access tier determines your rate limits and available features.
Rate LimitingCopied!
All API access is subject to rate limiting:
Monthly quotas for searches and operations
Per-minute rate limits for different request types
Customizable limits for customers
What's Next?Copied!
Explore these guides to get started:
API Key Management - Create and manage API keys
Account Types & Limits - Understand access tiers and quotas
User Management - Manage users and permissions
Start with API Key Management if you're new to the API.
Need help getting started?
Support: contact@deckmatch.com